

Cyanography by Azul LOEVE
30 x 20 cm | 2013
Cyanotype ink on Guarro paper



The Seine met Paris – by Jacques PREVERT –

Who is there
always there in the city
and yet it keeps happening
and yet it is constantly leaving
It’s a river,” said a child.
a guesser of riddles.
And then the shining eye he adds
and the river is called the Seine
when the city is called Paris
and the Seine is like a person
sometimes she runs she goes very fast
she presses her step when evening falls
sometimes in the spring it stops and
looks at you like a mirror.
And she cries if you cry
or smiles to comfort you
and always she bursts out laughing when
the summer sun comes…

Paris by the frost

As soon as it snows in Paris, the inhabitants scatter to admire the white city, to play outside, to photograph… and me too. And I know that afterwards, I will continue the game in white and blue.

The poetry of the cold touches us all, the eyes, the sensations, the imagination, and offers to the artists new human forms, with a paraphernalia of hats, gloves and coats, a different approach, and for me in cyanography, it is a graphic purge all this white, a work in subtraction, keeping some elements in sharp lines or in negative.

Since that memorable photo shoot in 2013,
and this beginning of collection,
I watch for the flakes…


Additional information

Work of art

on paper Guarro Acuarela 350gr


20 x 30 cm


Paris by the frost


Azul Loeve




at the Rey del Compas gallery in the church of the Frères Prêcheurs of Arles, at the gallery of the court of Paris, at the Art.in.Gallery of Tokyo


Possible variation with the same negative, on order


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